Opalite Angel

Raw Energy Tools



1.5-2" tall

Coloring shades varies per piece. 


Origin: Man made opalized glass infused with metal to create an opalescence look

Coloring: Iridescence of rainbow coloring, White and creamy

Metaphysical Properties:

Opalite is a higher energy stone which helps to improve communications on all levels of your life, including spiritually. Opalite is a stone of transformation and will assist you in transitioning in different areas which need clarity and acceptance. Opalite gives you strength and helps unblock hidden feelings. It helps to remove blockages in your chakras and stabilizes mood swings.

Healing Benefits:

  • Strengthens sexual desires
  • Helps to stabilize mood swings
  • Purifies your blood
  • Helps with kidney function
  • Removes irritability
  • Helps re-energize you

Power Associations:

  • Psychic Vision
  • Spirituality

Magical Attributes:

Chakra: Third Eye

Zodiac: Cancer

Element: N/A

Planet: N/A

Birth Month Association: N/A

Deities: N/A

Mineral Information:

Energy Vibration: 2

Hardness: 5

Crystal Structure: Amorphous

Composition: Silicate

Luster: Vitreous Translucent




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