Asthma and the Benefits of Stones

Asthma and the Benefits of Stones

Asthma and the Benefit of Stones


What is Asthma

Not all asthma is the same and affects each person differently. When an attack hits a person, it may cause your airways to become swollen causing the muscles around the them to become tight. In turn, this creates difficulty in breathing. These attacks can be serious, so it is imperative to recognize symptoms of asthma and their attacks. Sadly, this disease cannot be cured, however it can be managed.

Stones that may help

Stones are an amazing source of natural energy and each have their own metaphysical make up that helps with different types of disorders. Crystals are in NO WAY a cure for Asthma nor will they stop an attack, however they do help in many different ways. 

Asthma is associated with your Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras so wearing, meditating, carrying or simply having stones around your energy source can help to not only strengthen your chakras, but can also aid therapy already prescribed by a doctor.


Amber is such an amazing healing stone and has even benefits for teething. It helps to reduce negative energy transforming it into positive energy and aids healing in areas that need it in the body. Amber works with the lungs and helps with breathing problems. Amber works with the Throat chakra helping to relax this area and helps to rebalance the body. Amber can be used as an elixir as it is a natural antibiotic.


Amethyst not only helps with headaches and sleeping disorders, it also helps with respiratory issues as it helps to boost the immune system. It cleanses the air and allows for a positive energy space.  


Malachite is a toxic stone, especially in raw form, but it does have an amazing ability to heal. It is a protection stone, especially for children and helps to ease tension and stress. Not for ingestion as an elixir and if you handle raw form malachite, wash your hands!

Moss Agate

Moss Agate is a stone which is deeply connected to the earth. It is beneficial for the lungs and helps to relax the bronchia and lungs. Moss Agate assists with chronic issues and can help with inflammation.


Pyrite not only brings stability and grounding to a space, it also has the ability to boost oxygen in the bloodstream. Pyrite helps support the immune system and is beneficial as well for bronchitis.

Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz boots lung support and works as a vibrational healing source.



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